Solar Panels for Minnesota Small Businesses and Retail

In recent years, solar energy has become increasingly popular among small businesses due to its numerous benefits, including cost savings, environmental sustainability, great ROI, and continuously increasing affordability. However, some small and midsize businesses in Minnesota may feel that solar isn’t attainable due to their tight budget. If your company is on the fence about solar energy, just know that installing a system of your own may be much more attainable than you realize. By working with clients to find the financing and rebate options that are right for their business, Cedar Creek Energy ensures that our retail and small business customers can enjoy all the benefits of solar without breaking the bank.  
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Benefits of Solar Energy for Small Businesses in Minnesota 

Companies of all shapes and sizes can benefit from solar energy in Minnesota: 

  • Retail stores 
  • Restaurants and food service 
  • Medical and dental offices 
  • Repair and service shops 
  • Gyms and recreational facilities 
  • Car, boat, and RV dealerships 
  • Grocery and convenience stores 
  • Both chain and independently operated businesses 

 One of the most significant benefits of solar energy for small businesses is cost savings. By generating electricity from solar panels, businesses can reduce their reliance on traditional electricity sources and save money on their utility bills. In some cases, businesses may even be able to sell the surplus energy their system produces back to the grid, further reducing their energy costs. 

Another benefit of solar energy for small businesses is environmental sustainability. By using solar energy, businesses can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and help protect the environment. Companies like outdoor sports retailers and recreational vehicle dealerships may be particularly interested in this benefit, since their livelihood depends on our ability to continue enjoying the great outdoors. Choosing sustainable energy can also provide a marketing advantage for small businesses. In Minnesota, we appreciate outdoor recreation and partake in it year-round. As a result, many consumers are environmentally conscious and prefer to do business with companies that share their values. By using solar energy, small businesses can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and attract customers who value environmental responsibility. 

Top Service

Financing + Rebates

Take full advantage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Among other climate-positive initiatives, the IRA’s new Investment Tax Credit is game-changing for MN businesses considering a solar power installation or a string of solar projects over the coming years. 

Top Service

EPC Services

We design, install, and operate commercial solar PV arrays throughout the Midwest and have over 14 years of demonstrated experience with large, complex solar arrays. Learn more about our EPC Services online or by calling 763-334-6406.

Top Service

Power Purchase Agreements

Minnesota businesses can convert to solar powered energy systems without tying up funds in a capital investment, or having any operating and maintenance costs, while cutting what they pay for electricity as they reduce their carbon footprint. This is done with a Power Purchase Agreement.

Top Service

Operation + Maintenance

A critical component to maximizing your sunshine power is making sure you have a solid operation and maintenance agreement in place. At Cedar Creek Energy, we provide a suite of services that support green energy and sustainable building practices.

Financing and Rebates for Solar Energy 

Despite the numerous benefits of solar energy for small businesses, some business owners may be hesitant to invest in solar due to the perceived high cost of installation. However, solar energy is now more affordable than ever, and there are many financing options available to help make solar energy attainable for businesses of all sizes. 

Some midsize businesses may qualify for solar leases or power purchase agreements (PPAs). These financing options allow businesses to install solar panels without making a significant upfront investment. Instead, businesses pay a fixed monthly fee for the electricity generated by the solar panels. Over time, the cost of the solar system is paid off through these monthly payments, and the business can continue to benefit from cost savings and environmental sustainability. 

Small businesses can also save money by taking advantage of federal and local incentives for solar energy. To help offset the initial cost of installing solar panels, the federal government offers tax rebates to businesses that invest in solar energy. These tax rebates can be significant and can help make solar energy more affordable for small businesses. The Federal Solar Tax Credit provides a tax credit equal to a percentage of the cost of installing a solar energy system. The current percentage has been increased to 30% through 2030, and some commercial business can qualify for up to 60%! The federal solar tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction in the amount of federal income taxes that a business owes, and the credit can be rolled over into future years if the company’s tax liability is lower than the amount of credit.  

Additionally, solar customers in Minnesota may qualify for incentives offered by the state or by their local energy company. The MN PACE program is a way for commercial property owners to finance their solar energy systems. PACE allows property owners to access private financing through a partnership with local governments. Building owners who use this financing for their energy improvements pay back the financing through property taxes as a voluntary special assessment. By taking advantage of these incentives, small businesses can reduce the overall cost of installation and make solar energy even more affordable. 

Switching Your Minnesota Small Business to Solar 

Despite some business owners’ initial concerns, solar energy is an excellent option for companies that want to save money, promote sustainability, and attract environmentally conscious customers. Federal tax rebates, along with financing options and local incentives, reduce upfront expenses and make solar energy attainable for businesses of all sizes. Every system Cedar Creek Energy designs is meant to offer a great ROI by becoming profitable as soon as possible.  

The Cedar Creek Energy team is dedicated to helping our retail and small business clients find the solar solutions that are right for them. We understand that installing a solar energy system really has to feel worth it to small and midsize companies with limited resources. That’s why we’re happy to take the time to address your concerns and explain the design and installation process. Get in touch to learn more about your options and explore the financing choices that will work for your company. 

FAQs About Commercial Solar Panels for Retail and Small Businesses in MN

Can solar panels provide backup power during grid outages for my retail store or small business?

Certainly, solar panels integrated with battery storage systems can serve as a reliable backup power source during grid outages, ensuring uninterrupted operations for your retail store or small business. This capability not only safeguards your revenue but also presents your business as resilient and prepared in the face of unforeseen challenges.

Are there any financing options available for retail and small businesses to make solar panel installations more affordable?

Indeed, financing options play a pivotal role in making solar panel installations financially feasible for retail and small businesses. Solar loans, leases, and power purchase agreements (PPAs) offer flexibility to accommodate various budgetary needs, making the transition to solar energy more accessible and sustainable.

How can solar panels enhance the brand image and customer appeal of my retail store or small business?

Embracing solar panels not only reduces your business’s carbon footprint but also resonates positively with customers. In the eyes of the increasingly eco-conscious public, your retail store or small business becomes a beacon of responsible environmental stewardship, which can significantly enhance your brand image and attract a broader customer base.

Are there any specific permits or approvals required for installing solar panels on commercial properties?

Yes, installing solar panels on commercial properties typically involves adhering to specific permits and approvals. Local regulations and building codes vary, necessitating thorough research and coordination with relevant authorities. Engaging a professional solar installer like Cedar Creek Energy can streamline this process, ensuring compliance and a smooth installation experience.

Can solar panels be integrated with existing energy management systems in retail and small businesses for better control and optimization?

Integration of solar panels with existing energy management systems presents a holistic approach to energy optimization for retail and small businesses. This synergy allows for real-time monitoring and control of energy consumption, potentially leading to additional cost savings through better energy utilization. The ability to showcase your commitment to sustainable practices and efficient resource management further strengthens your brand’s appeal in the market.

Cedar Creek Energy