Solar Panels for Minnesota Schools

Minnesota Schools are Leading the Way with Solar Energy

School is where the next generation prepares for their turn to lead. They gain the knowledge to make their positive mark on the world through politics, the arts, science, math, and more. Discover how solar energy can revolutionize your school’s finances, inspire your students, and set a sustainable example for the entire community. Explore the benefits of affordable, renewable energy and join the movement towards a brighter, greener future.

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Why Choose Solar Power for Minnesota Schools?

Schools have a unique opportunity to lead by example and make a significant impact by adopting solar power. Here’s why making the switch is a smart choice for Minnesota schools:

Financial Benefits

Switching to solar power offers substantial financial advantages. With various tax incentives and rebates available, the initial cost of solar installation is significantly reduced. Schools can expect an impressive return on investment, with immediate reductions in monthly energy expenses. Take, for instance, the local non-profit learning center, A Chance to Grow. Their solar project will save the organization approximately $200,000 over the 25-30 year lifespan of their solar panels.

Student Impact and Educational Opportunities

The younger generation is exceedingly interested in sustainability: after all, it’s their quality of life we’re trying to sustain indefinitely through renewable energy usage. By choosing renewable energy, schools and educational facilities demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and forward-thinking leadership. This decision resonates with students who are increasingly passionate about environmental issues, inspiring them to take active roles in building a greener future.

Incorporating solar power into a school’s infrastructure also provides hands-on learning opportunities. Students can engage with real-world applications of renewable energy technology, sparking their interest in STEM fields and environmental stewardship. 

Installing Solar Panels At Minnesota Schools

Any level of an educational institution can benefit from a solar panel installation. Daycares and preschools will enjoy the financial benefits of solar just as much as a public school district or a university. Our solar installers for schools will work with our project managers and engineers to design a comprehensive solar energy system that meets the needs of your school, big or small. 

Our team has worked on numerous smaller-scale solar projects for compact buildings and campuses; we have also installed solar panels for the Universities of St. Thomas and Minnesota, Morris. Whatever the size of your school’s campus and its amount of energy usage, a solar power installation from Cedar Creek Energy can successfully meet your energy needs and start saving you money. Meanwhile, your school can proudly display your newly installed solar panels to highlight your organization’s commitment to sustainability.

Contact Cedar Creek Energy to discuss how your school can benefit from solar power!

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Top Service

Financing + Rebates

Take full advantage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Among other climate-positive initiatives, the IRA’s new Investment Tax Credit is game-changing for MN businesses considering a solar power installation or a string of solar projects over the coming years. 

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EPC Services

We design, install, and operate commercial solar PV arrays throughout the Midwest and have over 14 years of demonstrated experience with large, complex solar arrays. Learn more about our EPC Services online or by calling 763-334-6406.

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Power Purchase Agreements

Minnesota businesses can convert to solar powered energy systems without tying up funds in a capital investment, or having any operating and maintenance costs, while cutting what they pay for electricity as they reduce their carbon footprint. This is done with a Power Purchase Agreement.

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Operation + Maintenance

A critical component to maximizing your sunshine power is making sure you have a solid operation and maintenance agreement in place. At Cedar Creek Energy, we provide a suite of services that support green energy and sustainable building practices.

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