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Stolt Trucking

Stolt Trucking

Solar Snapshot: Stolt Trucking » Industry:  Small Business » Location:  Becker, MN » System Size (DC): 108.24 » Number of Panels: 264 [dsm_filterable_gallery gallery_ids="17489,17487,17486,17485" dsm_number_of_columns="4" dsm_image_sizes="thumbnail"...

Quarry Center North

Quarry Center North

Solar Snapshot: Quarry Center North By Inventure Properties » Industry: Commercial Real Estate » Location: Waite Park, MN» System Size (DC): 209.76» Number of Panels: 552  [dsm_filterable_gallery gallery_ids="17475,17476,17474,17480" dsm_number_of_columns="4"...

Primrose School

Primrose School

Solar Snapshot: PRimrose Daycare & PreSchool » Industry: Education» Location: Edina, MN» System Size (DC): 40» Number of Panels: 100  [dsm_filterable_gallery gallery_ids="17463,17459,17460,17465,17464,17462,17461,17466" dsm_number_of_columns="4"...

Our Saviors Lutheran Church

Our Saviors Lutheran Church

Solar Snapshot: Our Saviors Lutheran Church » Industry: Non-profit» Location: Circle Pines, MN» System Size (DC): 57.6» Number of Panels: 144» Special Features: Roof mounted panels both flush and ballasted  [dsm_filterable_gallery...

Maple Grove Public Works

Maple Grove Public Works

Solar Snapshot: City of Maple Grove - Public works » Industry: Municipal » Location: Maple Grove, MN» System Size (DC): 600» Number of Panels: 1500  [dsm_filterable_gallery gallery_ids="17411,17420,17401,17407,17409,17408,17406,17421,17400,17418,17416,17403"...



Solar Snapshot: The EkoMarkt » Industry: Commercial Real Estate» Location: Baxter, MN» System Size (DC): 38.4» Number of Panels: 96  [dsm_filterable_gallery gallery_ids="17391,17392,17390,17393" dsm_number_of_columns="4" dsm_image_sizes="thumbnail"...

1500 Nicollet Apartments

1500 Nicollet Apartments

Solar Snapshot: 1500 Nicollet Apartments By Dominium Development » Industry: Multifamily Housing / Commercial Real Estate » Location: Minneapolis, MN» System Size (DC): 111.15» Number of Panels: 342» Special Features: Ballasted Roof Mount  [dsm_filterable_gallery...

K&K Metal Recycling

K&K Metal Recycling

Project Inspiration K&K Recycling is a locally owned and operated metal recycling facility in Minneapolis, MN. Our journey with K&K began in 2016, when a chance phone call ended in a partnership that would span the next 7 years and counting!   K&K is...

American Polywater

American Polywater

Solar Snapshot: American Polywater » Industry: Manufacturing & Distribution» Location: Stillwater, MN» System Size (DC): 186.14» Number of Panels: 454» Special Features: Solar energy production replaces an estimated 98% of all energy used by the facility!...

Touchstone Mental Health

Touchstone Mental Health

Solar Snapshot: Touchstone Mental Health » Industry: Commercial Real Estate / Education» Location: Minneapolis, MN» System Size (DC): 43.87» Annual kWh Production: 54,837» CO2 Emissions Avoided: 85,677   [dsm_filterable_gallery...

HOM Furniture

HOM Furniture

Project Inspiration HOM Furniture is committed to sustainably practices through the responsible use of forest resources and is one of the largest award-winning recyclers in the Midwest. It is not just HOM products that reflect this dedication, but their facilities too...

City of Becker

City of Becker

Project Inspiration: Solar Panel Installation A wastewater operator from the city of Becker was brainstorming new ways to lower the city’s energy cost and took notice of a commercial solar array in the area that Cedar Creek Energy had completed. He reached out to our...

Cedar Creek Energy