Cedar Creek Energy Blog
Get Your Free Solar BidCommercial Solar Energy FAQ
The incentives for switching your Minnesota business to commercial solar energy are endless. From receiving a great return on investment, to developing customer loyalty through your commitment to environment sustainability, the benefits help your wallet and the...
Solar Energy Myths Debunked
The most common solar energy myths, debunked by yours truly, Cedar Creek Energy. Don’t let rumors stop you from achieving the green energy home or business of your dreams! Myth #1: Solar Energy is Too Expensive The myth that solar energy is too expensive is long...
How to Choose the Right Solar Company
Switching to solar can seem a bit overwhelming, and you probably have a list of questions like; “How do I choose the right solar company?” “What size solar system will my house need?” “How do I finance my system?” “Does it matter if I source local or out-of-state?”...
Xcel Solar Rewards Going FAST!
Switching to solar has many benefits and incentives, and with the growing rate of solar, these incentives are changing. A prime example is the Xcel Energy Solar Rewards Program. This program offers solar home and business owners the opportunity to create cash flow by...
Commercial Clean Energy for Your Business
How Making the Move Toward Clean, Renewable Energy Can Grow Your Business If you’re considering switching to solar, you may be asking yourself, “Is solar the right choice for my business?” That’s where we come in. As a solar energy company, Cedar Creek Energy is...
How Renewable Energy Benefits You, Your Neighbors, and Your Utility Company
Why investing in renewable energy benefits not only you and your wallet, but your entire community When investing in solar energy, most folks do so for the benefits that directly affect themselves, like lower electric bills and the ability to make profit. But, did you...
Unpacking the Texas Power Outages
Addressing rumors that renewable energy caused the Texas blackouts The recent news of the blackouts in Texas has the country in a whirl, looking for a villain to blame for the millions of Texans left without power. Unfortunately, a false narrative has circulated that...
How Solar Can Increase the Value of Your Property
A look at recent studies detailing how solar increases property values and sales prices You already know the main benefits of solar, like that it’s good for the planet and can save you money in the long run, but did you know that solar can also increase the property...
Homeowners Associations as a Barricade to Potential Solar Customers
Minnesota homeowners and solar advocates are backing a bill that would prohibit HOAs from banning rooftop solar panels. Homeowners associations (HOAs) across Minnesota have become a barricade for folks wanting to install solar panels to their homes. This legislative...
Solar Investments and Corporate Sustainability
Investing in solar offers sustainable business models to grow your practice. You don’t have to be a corporate mogul to make solar investments and practice corporate sustainability. Entrepreneurs, small business owners, and CEOs can all benefit from the lessons of...
Why You Should Source a Local Solar Company
Choosing the right solar company can seem daunting, but it shouldn’t be. Here are a few reasons why you should source a local solar company (and why that local company should be Cedar Creek Energy). Local Rebates and Utilities Local solar companies will have more...
The New Trend: Smart Homes
New home builders are always interested in saving money, and with many millennials in the market for a new-construction home that’s sustainable, smart homes have become the new trend. Sustainability and affordability make smart homes the logical choice for new...