Minnesota Businesses Benefit from IRS 26% Tax Credit “Safe Harbor” for New Solar Energy Systems Committed To In 2019 It isn’t often that the IRS hands businesses in Minnesota – or anywhere else – a gift. But that just happened. The 26% Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for...
Industry News
Get Your Free Solar BidThe Future of Oil vs. Solar Energy – Which Is the Smart Choice?
Environmental Faceoff: Oil vs. Solar Using gasoline to power vehicles has been the popular choice in the United States since motor vehicles went mainstream. But have you ever stopped to think about whether there’s a more economically and environmentally friendly...
Help Wanted: Companies Are Seeking Journeymen Solar Electricians!
Have you been looking for a new career where you can give back to your community and the environment while earning an impressive starting salary? Consider becoming a solar electrician! This is a great career choice for anyone who wants to stay on the cutting edge of...
The Role of Solar Energy in a Growing Economy
Minnesota installed enough solar panels in 2017 to power and run about 53,000 residences, and growth seems promising for this year, too. According to the Minnesota Department of Commerce, which is responsible for tracking solar installations, the state now boasts of...
What to Expect in Solar Energy in 2018
While the growth and advancements last year in the field of solar energy as a renewable source of energy were vast, we look forward to 2018 with a renewed hope for even more homeowners and business owners to “go solar!” 2017 saw the global demand for solar energy...
2018 Xcel Energy Solar Rewards Program
Download Xcel Solar Rewards .PDF > Selling energy back to the grid will off-set the cost of your new solar array! As of January 2018, Xcel Energy is launching a new rewards program for customers who add solar panels to their homes and commercial buildings. Yes,...