It’s been a long time coming, but the Biden Administration has just passed the bulk of its climate agenda, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). But was it worth the wait? And will the IRA really make it cheaper and easier to go solar in your home? What about battery...
Electric Vehicle Charging
Get Your Free Solar BidEarth Day 2022: Cedar Creek Energy’s Dedication to Renewable Energy
It’s that time of year again when we gather to celebrate our planet on Earth Day! This year’s theme of ‘Invest in Our Planet’ highlights the power of governments, businesses, and individuals to bring about transformational change in the fight for our planet and our...
Save Money by Going Green
If you’re reading this article, chances are you are concerned about climate change, and you would like to find a way to help. But, let’s face it, we all have bills to pay. In this current climate, many of us are struggling simply to make ends meet – and going green...
Efficient Solar Energy Storage: Prepare for the Unexpected
If you have solar panels on your home, you are already experiencing the many financial and environmental benefits of a solar energy system. But with everybody working at home and children watching television or using their own computer, the increased demand for...
Solar Energy Storage is Especially Important Right Now
In these unprecedented times, many of us are focused on the current pandemic and the impact it is having on our lives, jobs, and businesses. We’re all doing the best we can to prepare for anything that may come our way. In fact, some Americans are even rearranging...
How to Take a Cross-Country Trip with Your Electric Vehicle
Now that school is out and the weather is glorious, you might be considering a road trip. You’re not alone: around 50 million Americans are planning to pack up the family vehicle and take a vacation this summer. Spending some quality time as a family is certainly an...