When considering solar panel installation for your home, one of the crucial decisions you’ll need to make is whether to opt for a ground-mounted or roof-mounted system. Both options have their advantages and considerations, and choosing the right one depends on various factors. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key considerations for homeowners when deciding between ground-mounted and roof-mounted solar panels, including cost, space availability, efficiency, and aesthetic preferences. 

Ground Mount Solar vs. Roof Mount Solar 

Residential ground-mounted solar panels are installed on racks or frames fixed to the ground, typically in open areas such as yards or fields. In contrast, roof-mounted solar panels are installed directly onto the roof of the home or building. Each mounting option offers distinct advantages and considerations, which we’ll examine in detail below. 

Space Availability 

One of the primary factors to consider when choosing between ground-mounted and roof-mounted solar panels is space availability. Ground-mounted systems require ample space on your property, making them ideal for homeowners with large yards or unused land. On the other hand, roof-mounted systems utilize existing roof space, making them suitable for homeowners with limited ground space or those who prefer to maximize their property’s useable area. 


The orientation and tilt of solar panels significantly impact their efficiency and energy production. Ground-mounted systems offer greater flexibility in positioning, allowing for optimal tilt and orientation to maximize solar exposure throughout the day. Additionally, ground-mounted panels are not constrained by roof angles or shading from nearby structures, potentially leading to higher energy yields. In contrast, roof-mounted systems may be limited by roof orientation, pitch, and shading, affecting their overall efficiency. 

Aesthetic Preferences 

Aesthetic considerations play a significant role in deciding between ground-mounted and roof-mounted solar panels. Ground-mounted systems are more visible and may alter the appearance of your property’s landscape, which may or may not align with your aesthetic preferences. In contrast, roof-mounted systems are less obtrusive and integrate seamlessly with the existing architecture of your home, maintaining its aesthetic appeal. 


The cost of ground-mounted and roof-mounted solar panels varies depending on factors such as installation complexity, equipment requirements, and site preparation. Ground-mounted systems generally require more materials and labor for installation, including concrete footings or ballasts, mounting frames, and trenching for wiring. As a result, ground-mounted solar panels may be more expensive upfront compared to roof-mounted systems. However, it’s essential to consider the long-term financial benefits and potential energy savings when evaluating the overall cost-effectiveness of each option. 

30% Federal Tax Credit 

Both ground-mounted and roof-mounted solar panel systems are eligible for the federal solar investment tax credit (ITC), which provides a significant financial incentive for homeowners to invest in solar energy. The federal ITC allows homeowners to deduct 30% of the cost of their solar panel system from their federal taxes, reducing the overall cost of installation. 

Commonalities Between Ground Mount and Roof Mount Solar 

While ground mount and roof mount solar systems differ in their installation locations and setups, they share several commonalities in terms of functionality and purpose. Both systems harness solar energy to generate electricity, contributing to reduced reliance on grid power and lower energy costs for homeowners. Additionally, ground mount and roof mount solar systems utilize similar components, including solar panels, inverters, and racking systems, to convert sunlight into usable electricity efficiently. 

Both systems also benefit from the federal solar investment tax credit (ITC), providing homeowners with a financial incentive to invest in renewable energy. Furthermore, ground mount and roof mount solar systems offer environmental benefits by reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability. Despite their differences in installation and appearance, both ground mount and roof mount solar systems enable homeowners to take advantage of clean, renewable energy while contributing to a greener future for generations to come. 

Solar Installers in Minnesota 

In Minnesota, homeowners have access to experienced solar installers who specialize in both ground-mounted and roof-mounted solar panel installations. These solar installers understand the local climate, regulatory requirements, and site-specific considerations, ensuring a smooth and efficient installation process. By partnering with a reputable solar installer, homeowners can receive expert guidance, personalized recommendations, and high-quality installation services tailored to their unique needs and preferences. 

Choosing between ground-mounted and roof-mounted solar panels involves careful consideration of factors such as space availability, efficiency, aesthetic preferences, and cost. While ground-mounted systems offer greater flexibility and potentially higher energy yields, they may require more space and alter the appearance of your property. In contrast, roof-mounted systems are less obtrusive and integrate seamlessly with your home’s architecture but may be limited by roof orientation and shading. Ultimately, the decision depends on your individual priorities, budget, and property characteristics. By consulting with a reputable solar installer and weighing the pros and cons of each option, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your energy goals and enhances the value of your home. 

Cedar Creek Energy stands ready to assist homeowners in navigating the complexities of choosing between ground mount and roof mount solar systems. With our expertise in solar panel installations, we offer personalized guidance and solutions tailored to meet individual needs and preferences. Whether you opt for ground-mounted or roof-mounted solar panels, Cedar Creek Energy ensures seamless integration, optimal efficiency, and maximum financial returns. Our commitment to excellence and sustainability empowers homeowners to harness the power of solar energy while contributing to a cleaner, greener future. Partner with Cedar Creek Energy today and embark on the journey towards energy independence and environmental stewardship. 

Cedar Creek Energy